A Misdemeanor is What?
A misdemeanor is a type of criminal charge with a maximum jail term of one year or less. Certain charges of DUI, petit theft, possession of drug paraphernalia, assault, and certain charges of domestic abuse are considered misdemeanors in Oklahoma. You have the right to legal representation if you are facing criminal charges, even misdemeanor ones.
As a criminal defendant, numerous additional significant rights and safeguards are also available to you. You need to contact an El Reno criminal defense attorney, as soon as possible, if you have been arrested or charged with a misdemeanor. The sooner you can have legal representation, the better.
Every Criminal Charge Is Serious
Some people erroneously believe that a criminal charge is not a serious offense because it is a misdemeanor. Any accusation of a crime is grave. A conviction for even a misdemeanor can result in several years of probation and a year in jail. If you are found guilty, additional criminal penalties may be applied. A minor conviction could hinder a persons chances of finding work, enlisting in the military, finding housing, or even having an impact on child custody procedures.
Conviction for a misdemeanor may serve as a precursor to a felony accusation. On a second or third offense, many crimes that are prosecuted as misdemeanors initially may be upgraded to felonies. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, the prosecution may be less aggressive than if you were charged with a felony for the same act. It’s critical that you defend your rights as soon as possible to avoid gaining a criminal record that will follow you for the rest of your life.
To navigate the criminal justice system after being arrested or facing charges, contact a misdemeanor defense lawyer in El Reno. You need someone who will carefully consider every piece of information that supports your case and provide your side of the story.
We Protect You
The district attorney will have investigators, lab technicians, and members of law enforcement on their side when you appear in court. Who is going to defend you? How are you going to respond when the prosecution brings out the charges and evidence against you? When you appear in court, you need an El Reno misdemeanor defense lawyer at your side. You will want a lawyer who is prepared to fight for you.
Avoid dealing with the criminal justice system alone. Ensure that you have complete representation and that your rights are upheld. You can face your charges with the assurance that you have an accomplished and informed lawyer on your side.
Call Now for a Consultation
Call (405) 395-2900 to schedule a consultation with the knowledgable staff at Wirth Law Office – El Reno. You can also send an email query by using the form in the upper right corner. All of your inquiries will receive a prompt response. Contact Wirth Law Office – El Reno today. Have your back protected.